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5/2/2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

Bridgepointe Board Meeting

5/8/2023 7:05pm

Present: Kevin Lilly, Kristen Howell, Darlea Wilbeck, Alan Hicks

Jean Surles has tendered her resignation. As of today, they put their house on the market and are hopeful that they can move to Pinnacle. We wish her well.

To refill her position, the board will appoint a replacement and they will fill the vacancy through the rest of the term (one year terms).

Bryan Dosser might be a strong candidate. Nice that they live in the neighborhood full-time; his job responsibilities would make him a strong replacement for Jean’s treasurer role.

Kevin met with Greg of Long Cove. He has taken over the apartment project. They discussed the fence that is facing our neighborhood. Their position is that city of Malakoff has requested that the apartments have a secondary entrance and that ONLY the fire department would have access to that gate lock.

Alan noted that the gate was open today with no fire department present as far as he could tell. So there is some concern that additional people have access to that lock.

Kevin said he would contact Greg to check on that. Kristen suggested that we confirm with the city of Malakoff that they were requesting that our neighborhood is the required second point of egress to the apartments. Kevin said he would contact the city of Malakoff.

Kevin said that Greg said Long Cove was willing to provide secondary coverage for fire. Kevin felt like it was not necessary to do a business service agreement on this because we might be asked to fund this.

Tree report: tree in the middle of the street on Alan’s block. It will be cleaned up and reshaped. Flowers have been purchased and will be planted next week. Boulders to be put in. Rock instead of mulch is an option – more expensive at the onset, but it will require less maintenance over the long run. Consensus – go with rock.

Executive session with the Board- Discussion of recommendation from Legal Counsel in regards to Declarations and Covenants of Bridgepointe HOA. No action needed at this time.

Street construction will begin next Wednesday – neighbors will see cones, may have to go around the other way if areas blocked off.

Kristen to write a Neighborhood communication:

  1. Postal key part on order; once installed will allow us to keep gate closed at all times

  2. Gate between apartments and neighborhood has been identified as an issue and we are pending discussions with the owners of Long Cove to determine path forward.

  3. Neighborhood party reminder: May 20th at the Howells

  4. Construction to begin on road – street repairs, fixing broken spots, may have to go opposite direction; going down to the rebar where needed; saw cut it and reinstall new rebar when it is needed.

  5. Landscape pending – expect installation in next few days!

New Business:

Next meeting rescheduled due to conflict. Date changed to June 2nd at 9:30am, pending 5th board member schedule.

Budget re: street – typically would put back $10,000 back each year for the street fund; perhaps this year we don’t spend that much but instead earmark those funds for other fees. Discussion to follow.

Meeting ended at 8:12pm

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