Bridgepointe Homeowners Association
2023 Annual Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2023
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Alan Hicks at 1:10 PM on February 25, 2023
Homeowners present at the meeting were:
Darlea and Grant Wilbeck 1
Kevin and Jeaneane Lilly 1
Alan and Diane Hicks 1
Robert and Josie Hernandez 1
Phil and Jean Surles 1
Susan Jennings 2
Shannon and Ted Skokos 2
Marian and Karry Barnes 1
Andy Stirling and Brian Goodrich 1
Rockwell and Yvette Hopkins 1
Kristen and Bill Howell 1
Rodney and Linda Haggard 1
Karen Fulbright and Larry Sullivan 1
Bret Griffith 1
David and Rosalyn Thompson 1
Karen and Brian Dosser 1
Jim Jennings-Zoom Connection 16
Scott and Paige Elphingstone-Zoom Connection 1
Don and Toni Dosser-Zoom Connection 1 36 votes at beg.
Bill Shaddock-Zoom Connection at approximately 3:15PM 1 37 at end
Quorum was achieved for meeting.
Darlea welcomed everyone to her home as the host for the meeting. Housekeeping details were given and all were encouraged to partake in the refreshments bought by the HOA and served by Darlea.
Jim Jennings welcomed everyone to the meeting by Zoom. The internet connection made it difficult to follow but he did discuss the voting procedures for the Board vote as well as referenced his voting rights since he is also the declarant.
Kevin Lilly discussed the 2022 Minutes that were included in the meeting packet. He then asked for any corrections and a Motion to Approve the 2022 Minutes. Motion made by Andy Stirling and seconded by Phil Surles. The motion passed unanimously.
Jean Surles presented the 2022 Financials. A copy of the Financials were sent out with the packet. Jean did verify to the HOA all dues had been paid by all the homeowners and we received $1282.70 in interest on our CD’s totaling the Income for 2022 at $27,882.70. She then reported all our expenses for the year totaling $30,868.61. This resulted in a loss on the statement of $2986.11. She further explained that the expenses included expenses for the front gate upgrade as well as sprinkler enhancement which totaled $7246.09. Thus we would have had a surplus out of our normal operating budget. At year end we had balances of $13,191 in our operating account and $112,156 in our street reserve CD’s. We still have the remaining balance of the improvement budget for the tree planting which has not been completed to date. David Thompson had several clarifying questions and Jean responded explaining the difference between all the expenses and the carry forward amount for the tree planting, gate repair and upgrade, as well as the damage from the Payne Springs Fire Department. Motion to approve the 2022 Financials was made by Jeaneane Lilly seconded by Andy Stirling. Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion then was brought up about the gate. Alan Hicks explained the new technology with the gate and the use of the ap on your phone to open the gate. If one does not have the ap on your phone Diane, Alan’s wife can send you an invite and then you can open the gate from your phone instead of manually punching in the code. Please call her for your request. Brian Dosser also added he can help you with installing the ap on multiple phones with your singular login and it does not cost the HOA additional money. Please contact Brian for help with this. Discussion then led to all present talking about the merits and inconveniences of having the gate closed all the time. Security, safety, restricting access to salespeople were all discussed. Concern of delivery services such as UPS, FED EX, and routine maintenance companies needing access were all points of discussion. Several comments that the gate is a small sense of security. There is easy access to all lots by water, around the gate etc. were all identified. Kevin Lilly asked the group for a show of hands who would like to keep the gate closed on a trial basis and the Board review after a 30 to 60 day time period. Most of the homeowners wanted to try. Kevin stated the Board would evaluate the feedback after a trial amount of time. The gate will remain open till our neighbors repour their driveway and need temporary access to the apartment remodel project. The current end date for their access is March 10. Kevin stated we will need to be understanding if it goes longer in case of weather restraints which could delay them from pouring their concrete entrances.
Kevin Lilly reported on the HOA website. We need the HOA Website Authorizations to be completed. We asked community members to submit the form at the meeting or via email to demonstrate their desire to publish their information on the online directory. Members may also submit a picture of their residence for the directory. This directory will be password protected and only available to community members. The website will be activated within 60 days which will be a great way for all to review Bylaws, Architectural Control documents for the HOA, Meetings, Homeowner email and/or phone numbers. The site will have an area to ask questions of the Board of Directors, or any question that might come up. Darlea and Kevin will continue the work on the website and will be open to your feedback.
Kevin Lilly proceeded to the next agenda item which was the Road Repair. The discussion of the past was presented, and Alan and Kevin stated that we were proceeding with the road repairs which would be concrete. The Board expects the repairs to run in the $15K to $20K area. Discussion about the need to have an engineer study the condition of the road and possible effects if we wanted to move forward at some point with major re-construction. At this time, the Board is moving forward with only repairing areas that are failing.
The Architectural Control committee was then discussed. Jim Jennings led the discussion along with Susan Jennings. Susan passed out to everyone a document with copies of Chapter 209-Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act. There was open discussion between Susan and Jim and the Homeowners in regards to the document. Attached also to the document was the Declarations for the Bridgepointe Planned Community. Susan and Jim stated they were committed to keeping high standards and do not want anything more than the community to be a great place to enjoy for your guests as well as you. Jim stated he sent to everyone an open letter to everyone in the community reaching out to discuss opportunities and no one has responded to him or Susan. The handout was highlighted in regards to areas the HOA should focus. Jim also restated since 90% of the lots were not sold, he remained in control of the Architectural Control committee. Darlea disagreed with the data Susan submitted and believes 90% has already been reached. Darlea suggested we could not resolve this dispute today and recommended a neutral, legal representative specializing in HOA disputes look at all the data and determine what the law dictates. Kevin Lilly asked Jim and Susan after much discussion if Jim was going to appoint a committee and he and Susan agreed to sit down and discuss. Susan reiterated they wanted to protect their development rights but would sit down and talk. After much discussion, from numerous HOA members including Kristen Howell and Karry Barnes, the HOA by consensus felt this was a topic of primary concern and the Board should take steps to come to an agreement as soon as possible in the future. The HOA was adamant that committee should be formed made up of at least 3 to 5 members. Jim was also adamant that it was his decision and at this time he was not willing to expand the committee. The Board will put this issue on the top of their agenda.
In the interest of time, Kevin Lilly said there would be consideration of looking at Short Term Rentals in the future. Phil Surles and several other Homeowners have brought this up before and the Board has not acted. Phil did add that two cities Plano and Arlington have taken the issue up and one has done it well and the other has not. Jim Jennings stated any action would require modification of the Declarations and he was not open to making those adjustments at this time. Kevin noted the comments and said as we work through the issues of the previous discussion, the Board will keep the request to look at Short Term Rentals in mind.
Jean Surles then presented the 2023 Budget. She did bring up the point that she has been doing all the accounting functions and believes it is time to have an accounting firm do either quarterly statements or annual statements. The cost would be $2500 a year for quarterly and $1500 for annual accounting and financial statements along with the tax return. Jean has done all the accounting and statements for 15 years and is willing to continue to do the check writing and depositing for the Association but feels it is time to have an accounting firm do the annual statements and annual tax returns. This is not included in the proposed budget. Jean recommended $800 per lot for 2023 Dues up from $700 this year. She also included in the budget $2500 for maintaining the front landscape on a bi monthly basis. David and Rosalyn Thompson along with help from Allan Hicks had been doing this. The HOA thanked David and Rosalyn for their dedication and received a round of applause from all present. Discussion then proceeded into mowing. Kevin Lilly discussed the mowing of the center section. This budget includes $5100 a year to mow 4 widths from the curb of the center section of land owned by the Declarant. For many years the HOA has mowed different amounts of mowing. It was generally felt in the past, the appearance of a more groomed area was better. Several homeowners concur and basically it was brought up that this was a charge of less than $200 a year per lot for the enhancement. There is feeling however by many this is not the HOA’s responsibility. The HOA does not own the land, the homeowners are required to maintain their own property so the property owner should maintain his property. Jim did then state he was not going to mow the property, he liked it to be kept natural. Kevin then asked for a consensus of the group present for the Board to understand the homeowners wants. By a show of hands by property ownership the group was split. The Board will determine the outcome of the mowing the center section at the next Board meeting. Kevin Lilly recommended to the HOA the annual accounting for $1500 per year be added to the budget. With no other discussion, Kevin Lilly moved on the the Election.
Last item on the agenda was the voting for the Board of Directors. Kevin announced the procedures for the vote. A secret ballot vote had been requested and Kevin instructed the group on the process. There are 54 votes in the Association. Each property owner will be given a ballot for each property owned. Any proxies would allow the proxy holder that ballot for that property. Kevin then asked for 2 volunteers who were not running for the Board, not a spouse or living in the same house of a prospective Board member to tabulate the votes. Brian Dosser and Ted Skokos volunteered. There were 6 candidates for the 5 Board Members. They are Darlea Wilbeck, Alan Hicks, Kevin Lilly, Jean Surles, Kristen Howell, and Jim Jennings. The ballots were then handed out and after the ballot was marked it was folded and placed in the gold tumbler on the table. Only 2 property owners were not present or did not have a proxy turned in. The vote was tabulated and Brian Dosser read out the 5 Board Members selected by the HOA. They are Darlea Wilbeck, Alan Hicks. Kevin Lilly, Jean Surles, and Kristen Howell.
Kevin Lilly then thanked everyone for their attendance. He stated the intentions of the HOA was well understood and committed that the Board would move forward in a positive and deliberate manner to make our community a better community. He assured everyone that we currently have a great community and the future will even get better. He thanked Jim Jennings for his service and Susan for the willingness to sit down and work on our differences. He thanked Darlea for hosting the event, Jean Surles for her hosting and her hard work as Treasurer for 15 years and everyone for coming together today and committing the time to help improve the Bridgepointe community. The meeting adjourned at 4:30PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Lilly
Bridgepointe HOA Secretary
Meeting Packet, Sign In Sheets, 2022 Financials, Handout from Jim and Susan Jennings, 2023 Budget, and 2023 Board of Directors